In 2020, Mr. Simone Dini and Mr. Graziano Baroncini graduated as Digitalization Manager by participating in the 1st level Master in Industry 4.0 Design – Enterprise Digitalization and 4.0 Technologies organised by the University of Pisa, the University of Florence, the University of Siena and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
Who is the Digitalization Manager
The Digitalization Manager is an expert capable of guiding the digitisation processes of companies in order to promote innovation paths oriented towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm.
The Digitalization Manager has a duty to identify and select the most suitable technologies to bring real benefits to the company, in order to optimise processes that are already structured, thus enabling managers and operators to focus on activities with the greatest added value.
This figure is able to analyse company functions and combine attention to process aspects with management issues.
Our future-oriented skills
- Digitisation of industrial processes;
- Technology development planning and design;
- System analysis and evaluation;
- Analytical thinking on innovative process;
- Problem Solving;
Dini and Baroncini are also founding members of the newly formed DMA – Digitalization Manager Association, to find out more visit