
Our company was established from the idea of two young engineers, long-standing friends and colleagues who from the enthusiasm for their work and the expertise acquired in over ten years of experience in the field, in 2017 wanted to create an engineering firm competent to
offer their clients the best possible engineering and mechanical design consultancy service. In a short time our studio has grown to include several professional figures operating in a
positive and stimulating working environment, which promotes the growth of each single
resource; the engineers and technicians of the studio are brilliant, young, passionate designers who respond with enthusiasm to the requests and needs of Clients and Partners.
Today S.T.I. is a company that can provide added value to clients in terms of optimising as-sets and integrating technological innovation on the basis of the Industry 4.0 paradigm.


Our main objective is to become a point of reference in Italy for the digitalisation of industrial processes and to consolidate our skills in mechanical and structural design, guaranteeing a high degree of competence in meeting the requirements of the customer and/or partner!
The values of S.T.I. can be summarised as the integration of skills in the search for simple and competitive solutions to the increasingly complex problems inherent in design and technologi-cal innovation.
Our primary intent is to maximise the added value of our service.


We have decided to take on this challenge because the skills we have acquired over the years and the strong investment in professional updating have suggested the usefulness of our ser-vices to possible Clients or Partners.
We are a valid point of reference for Italian SMEs, basing our know-how on the valorisation of previous experience as support for the analysis of new realities in order to provide an in-creasingly complete and technologically advanced service.
We strongly believe in personal investment which, combined with experience, guides us to-wards our most real objectives.


Passion, efficiency, integration, flexibility
Passion: We like what we do and we do it with passion and we want to pass this on to our clients and/or partners.
Efficiency: For our Clients and/or Partners we always look for the most efficient solution in terms of demand-security-cost.
Integration: The answers to the requests of our Clients and/or Partners come from the perfect integration between human ingenuity and modern technology.
Flexibility: Our team adapts easily to different requests while maintaining professional method and rigour.

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